So last week I flew down in North Carolina to have interviews. I had 3 interviews, 2 in Greensboro, and 1 in Durham/Raleigh. It was a hectic couple of days, driving back and forth between Greensboro and Raleigh. Big THANKS to Brian and Mere for letting me crash at their place, so I didn't have to pay for a hotel! In between interviews I tried to look at some apartment complexes in both cities to figure out which ones I liked the best. I felt pretty good about all of the interviews, but 2 out of the 3, seemed promising and interested in me. I now and patiently waiting, not very patiently, to hear back from these agencies. I did hear from one today, that I am one of the finalists, and they are proceeding with a background check and calling my references, and the other said in a weeks time they will be making a decision, so any day now I should be hearing from them. I will update you all again once I get an offer, (or two!), and what my final decision is.
Besides interviews, and figuring out the details of the move, I'm also in the mist of finals!! I have 1 week left of internship, and 2 weeks left of school! I can't believe it's been two years already and I'm about to graduate with my Masters in Social Work!!!! eekk! Back to working on these finals...
Bye for now <3