Friday, August 28, 2009

First few weeks

Here is my link to where I will be uploading pictures for everyone who doesn't have a facebook. The pictures will also be on facebook for those who do have it.

I will try and update my pictures frequently so you all can see what is going on in the city! :) I have been here for 2.5 weeks now and still am loving it. I have been to Central Park, went to the Statue of Liberty. Walked the Brooklyn bridge, then had to figure out how to get home from Brooklyn. And went to Time Square the other night. My roommates are great and we have so many similarities, yet so many difference that I think we will all learn and grow from each other. We start school in a week and a half, the 9th of September is my first day. I am starting to get a little worried about it, but I know that everything will be ok. It's just the anticipation of whats to come, the unknown. I received a call earlier this week from my advisor who told me she would be calling me back this up coming week to fill me in more about my placement for my internship, I am eager to find out where I will be working for the next year. I am finally starting to get used to this not having my car thing. I have walked between 2-6 miles a day since getting here and my body is starting to understand that this is what I will be doing. My feet on the other hand, well I need to buy some new better suited for walking shoes, so I can get less blisters in a day. The weather is defiantly different here, it's rained a few times already and is suppose to rain all weekend, a thing I rarely saw in California. I also will soon have to start shopping for a winter wardrobe, I have never had to live in the cold and I guess it will come sooner than I expected it would. As now I'm just waiting for school to start to get into a routine of life, I know that this sleeping in til noon, staying out late, and wandering the city and sightseeing all day will soon come to a stop, so I am trying to get as much of it done now before reality starts up again. Well I'm off to school to print out my list of books I have to buy, all 16 of them :( And there may be more once I start class and get the actual syllabus from my teachers :(
<3 bye for now

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Apartment in the East Village :)

Here is a video of my place, there is commentary but it's hard to here. I will update later this week excited to get the internet finally working at my place :) yay!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Here are some pics from NYC

So in order, my view from the roof of my apt, I can see the Empire State building, then the fountain people were cooling off in, and then the view from my roof at night.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The move

hi everyone, Just wanted to update real quick about how life is going in the big apple. Most of you I have either talked to or have facebook and have seen the pics/status updates. I am living in the East Village in Manhattan and have been here for 4 days now. I do not have internet so I am sitting in a internet cafe as I type this....It is defiantly a different way of life out here. I will be getting into great shape fairly quickly. I have walked about a mile or more each day since being here. I wandered over to Union Square, down Houston St., and over to Washington Square Park, and all over most of the Village. There is people out ALL the time, and lots of places are open 24 hours a day. It has been really hot and muggy, so walking everywhere is not fun in the heat either. My plan is to go up to Central Park this week and maybe out to the Statue of Liberty. I have started to get used to the neighborhood and kinda know my way around. I have been to the grocery store twice and still need to go back again, because I can't carry enough food at one time. The store is about 2 blocks away, so not too far. Yesterday I went over to Washington Square Park, which is the center of my campus. It only took about 15 mins, so I will be walking to and from school once school starts. On my way there I past 3 street fairs, and once at the park saw people sun bathing in the grass and jumping in the huge fountain to cool off. There is so much new and different things to take in here. I still have unpacking to do, and once I finish I am going to take a video of my place and post it on here for everyone to see the tiny apartment, which I guess for NYC is actually big, that I live in. I get internet on Thursday, so I will update again next weekend with more info about what I've been up to.
Bye for now <3