Sunday, September 13, 2009

First week of school

Well I had my first week of school this week. I am going to class Wednesdays and Thursdays. I have one morning class and one afternoon/evening class both days so I am hoping that the library will become my best friend and I can pass my time by doing the readings that I have that are not online or in my books but in reserve in the library. I am enrolled in 5 classes, but only meet for 4 classes because the 5th class is my internship. Class itself seems like it will be interesting. Class is only once a week for 2 hours and it seems like the first half hour or so will be lecture and the rest will be class or group discussions. It seems much more hands on than undergraduate where you just copy down what the teacher says during lecture. There are no tests in my graduate program (at least not in the classes I'm in) I have a midterm and final in each class but they are papers. I have weekly reflection papers about racism and ethnic issues and then a few papers I have to do about my internship. I am in Practice I (which is the class that ties in lecture with our internship, I have a adviser that will come visit me at my placement and we discuss each others placement each week. Anything from a certain situation that we didn't know what to do in, to a good experience we had.) Then I have Human Behavior in the Social Environment I (I'm not sure exactly what we will be learning, but I'm thinking it is just learning about human behavior and development.) Next I have Ethno-cultural Issues in Social Work (which is dealing with minorities, and all different ethnic issues past and present in the social work field) and my last class is Social Welfare Programs and Policies I (which we look at all different kinds of policies and learn how no matter what field of social work you go into, policies will effect you and what you are able to do)
So far I have found class interesting, but outside of class is where the majority of the work comes from. We have 3-4 reading per class per week. I have spent about 9 hours reading so far and I will spend another I would guess 3-5 tomorrow finishing the rest of the reading at the library! It's a big change since I didn't even open some of my books in undergrad, but since we have weekly discussions I actually have to know whats going on and can't rely on the professor to actually lecture on it. I still haven't found out where my placement is, but I start my internship next Monday, Sept 21. I will be working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday....we have to do 21 hr/week. We have daily verbatim journals we have to do to give to our supervisor which can get a bit lengthy, but I am so excited to start my placement and get to start working with people. I guess starting our first week we will be doing therapy with our clients, either group, family, or individual depending on the setting at our placement. I am also attempting to get a part time job as a babysitter in the evenings because I do not have enough loan money to live in NYC for the semester without some kind of part time job. That's about all that is going on over here, just school and more school. Need to learn how to network, I guess that is a huge thing in the social work field. I met a couple people in my classes but I'm not sure if I will ever see them outside of class, I will have to talk to them more to see what I think. I did finally meet my next door neighbors yesterday and we went out with them which was fun. I am slowly meeting people, which is nice, but soon I wont have anytime to do anything with any of these people I am meeting. Well back to reading!
<3 bye for now

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