Tuesday, February 15, 2011

LAST semester!!!!

I am SO happy that I am in my last semester of school!!! I can say I defiantly have senioritis. I have been going to school, without a break, since I was Kindergarten, or technically pre-school, so I am ready to not have school anymore. Although it's only once a week, and I work the other days, I'm looking forward to coming home after work and not having to think about my readings, papers, and presentations I have to work on that week. Most of my fellow classmates, took a year or several off between undergrad and grad school, some are even coming back as a second career, so many don't share the same desire to hurry up and be done already! My internship is getting more and more demanding, more like how a real job in this field would be, I suppose. I now am running 5-6 groups a week, have 3 individual clients that I see as a case manager, and then 1 client I see for individual therapy, and I'm doing 1 intake (initial assessment) a week, then follow those clients for a month or so until they are admitted. It's exhausting, but everyday is entertaining at the office.

School is going pretty good, I'm a month in...I've started the countdown to graduation! I have 10 more weeks of classes, and 9 more weeks of internship! I'm taking two children classes that are electives, Practice w/ Children, and Maladaptive Behaviors and Life Stressors with Children and I'm really enjoying both of them. One is even interactive, we play games and act like children to try and see things from their perspective, very interesting. My other two classes are required, Practice, and Advanced Policy. So we discuss policies in the one, and how social work and policies intertwine, and then in Practice we talk about what to expect next year, about the licensing exams, jobs, etc. I don't like my practice teacher, but that's ok 3 out of 4 is the best record I have so far, for liking my classes! That's about all going on here...just counting down the weeks until I'm DONE, and trying to figure out what my next step after graduation is.

Back to my homework, 10 hour school day tomorrow. :)

Bye for now <3

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