Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Spring Break EVER!

It was a bit bitter sweet, to know that I will never get a break from school, work, life and reality like this again. I had a "staycation" for my spring break, like all 6 of my college spring breaks have been. I literally did not leave the house for a few days except to walk Willy, then I went shopping, got a mani/pedi, wandered the city, went to dinner/happy hour with some friends, and wandered Central Park. It was all about focusing on me! And doing whatever I wanted when I wanted. I was ready to get back to work after the week was over, but NOT ready to get back to school. This last stretch is always the hardest part for me, especially since I know this is THE END!


Only 6 weeks and counting....until I graduate!!! I can't believe that I have already been in NYC two years. This has been such a wonderful experience, and I have grown so much as a person in the two short years I've lived in NY. NYC has been such a positive part of my life and helped mold the person, and social worker I am today. I think there isn't many other places like NYC to get your MSW, the experience you get in this city isn't like any other, and I'm *hoping* that it will help me in my job search, having the experience of NYU and NYC populations I've worked with. I have been applying to jobs feverishly and there really aren't many jobs out there. :( Unfortunately, although there are those in need of mental health services no matter what the economic climate, maybe even more in the current time, that doesn't matter to those funding the organizations (usually the local or federal government)and mental health funding seemed to be one of the first things cut to help balance budgets. Please everyone keep their fingers crossed that I will find some employment, in some relation to social work, in the near future. I will hopefully be updating you all soon on the good news of interviews and/or job offers! Until then, I guess I should focus on the next 6 weeks, and leaving my academic career with a BANG!

Bye for now <3

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