Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sorry I haven't written for a while. Midterms took all my free time. I am in 4 classes and an internship, so over the last 2 weeks I have had 4 papers due, which doesn't sound that bad but the amount of time that was needed for research and interviews and prepping for the paper and then actually writing it was so much more time consuming than expected. I am defiantly hitting that brick wall of not caring right now, usually happens around midterms for me, but I will be back running full force next week since I do not have any papers due next week. I do have another one in 2 weeks and then finals are only 5 weeks away! I can't believe that I am almost done with my first semester of graduate school! My internship is going great, I really enjoy it and working with the kids, I read for classes on the subway ride there and back and am getting busier and busier during the day there. I am now seeing 3 kids individually and am working with the problem children in a 2nd grade class every day that I am there. I bring them over to a table so they get more one on one attention. We are also putting together a presentation for parents to help them decide the best middle school for their children. I pretty much do not have much free time besides that. I did go out for Halloween this past weekend and dressed up as a cop. It was so packed and crazy in NYC, people just walking in the middle of the streets because the sidewalks were so full that the group I went out with all ended up coming home really early so I didn't get to enjoy the whole night like I had thought, but I still had a great time. I babysat for a family 3 weeks ago, for their 3 month old and I may actually start working for them on a more regular basis, they called today and asked what my weekly schedule looked like and would like to set something up with me. That would be great to get some extra cash flow because the loan money is going quickly, even though I don't feel like I spend often, this city is just so expensive. That's about it here from NYC I've been posting new pics on: More to come early next week! My mom is coming into town for a long weekend tomorrow and I am excited to show her around the city I now call home!

bye for now <3

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