Saturday, April 10, 2010


So the last month has been a crazy one for me. I had midterms due, 2 spring breaks (one from my school, and one from the elementary school I intern at), and I had 6 birthday! I have to admit that this past month has defiantly been the most hectic in my social life. I was going to birthday parties and dinner all month, and with the spring breaks I decided not to do any school work, which was probably not the best choice, but I needed a break! I'm so lucky that I'm interning at a school because I was able to get the second break. Kimmie came during my second spring break, and it was such a fun visit. We went and saw all the tourist sites, and walked about 20 miles while she was here. Her visit was too short, and makes me sad that I'm so far away. Willy moved out here a day before Kimmie came (Thanks to Shanna for being so nice and bringing him!) so she was here to help Willy adjust to NY living. He has adapted well, I'm shocked that we have yet to have an accident in my apartment. I was gone Wednesday for my normal 12.5 hours at school, and thought he would have for sure found something to pee on besides the wee pad I have down. I was shocked when I got home and everything was in place from where I left it and I couldn't find any wet spots and didn't spell pee. He is not so sure yet about the dog parks, but I know it will grow on him eventually. It's so great to have him back though, I was here WAY too long without him.

Now for April....I lose all that social life I had last month. No more dinners during the week, or on the weekends. No going out with friends. I have finals due in 3.5 weeks now....I can't believe I am almost 1/2 way done with my Masters!!! I have to write 3 15pg papers (one I have to read a 400pg book first-I'm on 219 right now), study and take a final exam, and write my part of a group paper, edit the group paper, and give a group presentation. I HATE presenting, so I'm hoping that I can speak less since I will be the one editing the paper! We shall see if my group members allow that. I am done with my internship on the 29th of this month, so I have to start talking to the kids about how I will be leaving and that they will have new social workers next year. I think it's gunna be kinda hard with a couple of them. :( School ends on the 28th, except one class goes until the 5th of May because we had a snow day in Feb. and we have to make up that class.

I looked more into the study aboard program in Costa Rica, and although I would love to do it, I physically cannot afford it. So I will be in NY all summer (which is a 4 month summer for me!) I am looking for a job, and my current supervisor has passed my resume onto a former employer who is trying to get him back at their agency. If I am able to get a job there I would be working with adults who are disabled. If I cannot get a job there, then I will just apply to admin jobs or receptionist jobs, because I'm sure I can't get much more than that with a company knowing that I will have to go back to school in the fall. That's about it for now. Off to go work more on my finals.

<3 Bye for now.

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