Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I just got back from my week trip up to Canada to visit friends. Max and Mel are two girls that I met last year when I was on my tour of Europe. They came down for NYE to NYC so I thought it was only fair for me to go to them for Canada Day (July 1st), AND I've never been to Canada. ;) I stayed at there place right outside Ottawa, Ontario. Ottawa is the capitol of Canada and is so pretty. Everything in Canada was so green and gorgeous. The first day I was there was Canada Day and it was spent just like most spend the 4th of July here, we hung out on a balcony of their friends all day and then went to see the fireworks that night. The queen was there in Ottawa so they had extra special fireworks this year, and we were able to watch them overlooking Parliament. The 2nd day I was there was Max's 25th birthday. We made her breakfast and then took her out to dinner, then had some of her friends over for cake back at her house. It was a lot of fun to meet all her friends. The next day we went for a quick overnight trip to Montreal, Quebec. We went shopping and explored part of the city, then had dinner and went out for drinks. Sunday (the 4th of July here), we went to their friends house for a BBQ, it was a joint birthday party for Max and one of her friends. It was so hot so it was nice to lounge around a pool and meet more of their friends. The next day we went around their town and then stopped by the mall, and the last day they took me back to downtown Ottawa to show me Parliament, the canal, and the Byward Market.

It was such a great trip, even if I feel like it past too quickly. We have so much in common and are so similar that we always have a good time, even if we are just sitting around watching tv. The hardest part of my trip is that Ottawa and Montreal are bilingual, and most of their friends speak french as their first language. So they would randomly while speaking break into french. I would listen and quickly turn to look at Mel to ask her to translate for me! She would summarize what they said for me, the part that was the funniest is that most didn't realize they did it, so a few times people would ask me questions in french and not realize that they hadn't just said whatever in english.

I'm hoping that they will come sometime in the next year to visit me again back here in the city, I really do wish we lived closer to each other. However, we are so similar and work so well together that we are planning to travel together. All 3 of us are planning a trip in 2012 to go to Australia. They are planning on going for a few more weeks than me, so I will meet up with them there, but I'm so excited to start planning that trip and go explore more of this world w/ them. I will upload my pictures later this afternoon online, so check my later today for pictures from Canada.

Bye for now <3

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