Saturday, August 7, 2010


July was a very eventful month for me. For those of you on facebook you already know that the family I was babysitting for this summer had the roof of their building catch on fire and the building is now condemned. The crazy part, was I was there babysitting when I got a knock on the door from the cops saying the building was on fire and I needed to evacuate. I immediately grabbed the kid and ran out the door, forgetting his shoes along the way. Needless to say, because of the whole ordeal the mom stopped going to work to stay "home" w/ the kid and try and find them a new place to live. They lived in a few friends apartments for a few weeks and finally just got a sublet for the next 3 months. I however was all of a sudden jobless because of this fire. I have been frantically looking for work all month and applying to everything I could, I think about 250 jobs total. I FINALLY just got another babysitting job yesterday and start next week for a nice family in the Upper West Side. I will be helping the mother who just had her 3rd child last week. I will mainly be working w/ the 1 and 3 year old girls, taking them to different activities in the city while she stays with her newborn. I also have a few family that said they will use me for nights and weekend babysitting once school starts too, when needed.

Being jobless, I had to cancel the trip to DC I had planned this month to visit my friend and wasn't really able to do many fun things in the city. It's been SO hot here that I haven't really wanted to wander around the city as it is. I did however just move. My lease was up at the end of July and the whole month my roommate and I have been frantically looking for a new place. We had a low rent price we were willing to pay and many requirements, so it was very difficult to find what we wanted. But after seeing 15 apartments, all in a 2 day span, we found a really nice place in the West Village. The West Village is one of my favorite, if not my most favorite areas of the city. The best part is I can walk to school, it's only 3 blocks away, AND I can walk to my internship! The neighborhood is amazing and there is so much to do here, and it is just so pretty. I'm sure I will be posting pictures frequently of the neighborhood. The apartment is great and I will post a video of our place once we get all the furniture in and put together. I am now living w/ a girl that I went to high school with. I knew who she was, but I probably only talked to her a few times while in school. She just recently moved to NYC for law school and we decided to live together. We get along great and I'm looking forward to living w/ her for the next year or more.

That's about all that's going on in my life right now, I'm just trying to enjoy the last few weeks of my summer, I can't believe my last long 4 month summer is almost over!

bye for now <3

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