Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halfway to finals....

So the last few weeks I have lost my social life all together. Although, it was a small social life beforehand, but I have spent most of my free time either working on papers and studying for tests or procrastinating from those by going online or watching TV. ;) I have to admit that this semester so far is MUCH harder than last. I figured second year would be harder, only seems logical, but more interesting since it's more concentrated. Well yes and no, the class I got to choose, I am loving and finding it fascinating, but the others are mandatory and just not interesting at all. This year I can't get by skimming or just reading some of the required readings either. One of my classes particular is taking up most of my time, and that is the one that I am learning how to diagnose in. It's quite interesting, but SO hard to remember everything and SO much reading each week. I'm talking 100-150+ pages for that class alone each week! Luckily, I am at the halfway point, and soon enough will be on my last semester of school! I am so excited for May to get here and not have to waste these beautiful weekends inside writing papers and studying for exams.

My internship is going great this year. It's so much different than last year. Not different in a good or bad way, just different. There is a lot more structure and paperwork! SO much paperwork....but I'm enjoying learning about the population I'm working with (severely persistently mentally ill) and getting to know the clients at my agency. I run 5-6 groups a week ranging from healthy living to teaching them about values, and I also was able to do my first intake this last week (initial assessment). I was told that I might start doing more intakes, and that may become my Tuesdays for the rest of the year...I also will shortly be assigned clients to work with individually. All in all, my internship is going great this year and am enjoying all the staff, interns, clients and the work I'm doing so far.

My mom comes to visit in a little over a week, and I am SO excited to see her! She will be here for a week and we have lots of fun things planned, including a trip to Philadelphia! I will post pictures and update my blog after she leaves!

Back to paper writing, 1 left to do.

bye for now <3

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