Monday, May 2, 2011

Job offer!

For those of you that don't have facebook, I was received a job offer on Friday! It's not the best offer, but at least it's something. They are offering me a part time position working in their Intensive In-Home program. The office is located in Durham and I will be commuting around a neighboring county to work with the families. I'm not exactly sure all the details of my exact part in this program, but I will fill everyone in once I start. Since it is only a part time offer, I am continuing to apply to part time and full time positions to either get a second job or a full time job.

So now that I know I will be in the Raleigh area I am frantically trying to get the rest of the details figured out; ie. rent the Uhaul, find an apartment, rent an apartment, etc. I spent the weekend applying to jobs and figuring out the above mentioned details....I have applied to an apartment complex and am just waiting to hear back from them about the details of the lease. I don't know how everyone used to relocate without the internet, I'm having enough stress w/ the convenience that I can do it all online in an instant. I also set up another interview in Raleigh a few short days after my move, so things are looking good. Hopefully I can get a few more interviews after I move there!

As for now I'm trying to finish all my finals that are due this week and start packing for the big move, which is only a week away!

Bye for now <3

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