Monday, February 1, 2010


January has come and gone and now I beginning my busy social life for the next month. This semester seems to be easier than last, maybe it's just because I know what to expect this time around, or these classes/professors are just easier. I have one midterm at the end of this month, one next month, and an exam next month. One of my classes there is no midterm but weekly 1 pg papers. I like 2 of my 4 classes, which is a step up from the 0 I liked last semester. The good part is they are my last two classes, so by the time I start to get burnt out because of my 12 hour school days, I can remember that I enjoy my last 2 classes.

This month I have a lot going on. Next week I have a couple field trips with the children at my internship, so we are busy trying to get them all organized and get everything we need for the trips. Next weekend, Valentine's Day and Presidents Day weekend, my friend Amanda is also coming to visit! I'm so excited to see her and show her my city! ;) The week after that I do not have my internship because schools here have winter recess for a week in February, the week of Presidents Day. The weekend after Presidents Day I am going w/ my friend to Maryland to get a personal tour of Baltimore and then down to DC for a day. I'm so excited, because those are both places that I have not been, and both are on my list of places in the states I want to go! :) The last week this month I have a midterm due, then I leave to go to North Carolina to visit my brother, sister in law, and my 2 little nieces! I'm so excited to finally meet Hannah! It's been too long since I have been to NC and been able to visit my brother and his family.

I'm excited for all the fun adventures this month, but I know that school is the first priority, and I want my grades this semester to be just as good as last. I'm actually procrastinating right now from my back to that.

<3 Bye for now

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