Monday, November 22, 2010

And so it begins....

FINALS!!!!! Yes, somehow midterms just ended and yet finals are due in the next 1-2 weeks! How did this happen? I've started the massive feat of these papers, 3-20 pg papers and a final exam. So far I've written 10 pages in 17 hours, these papers are not as easy as undergrad. Is there a way to put an extra hour or two into each 24 hour day? Can it be 25 or 26 hour days?!? Just for the next few weeks... I foresee Starbucks, Monster, and 5 hour energy drinks being my best friend between now and Dec 16th. I take back my statement I made last year, about people making grad school seem harder than it really is. Last year wasn't too bad, this semester has been brutal, I'm so excited for winter break and not having to look at a textbook or a journal article for a whole month! I am worried about next semester, and I'm desperately hoping that it will not be as bad as this semester. I miss seeing the outside world, besides on my walk to or from school/work or to walk Willy.

I am however SO excited for Christmas, I love the holidays, and I'm planning between finals ending and my trip back home I can get out and see all the decorations here in the city. And I'm looking forward to my trip home to see all my family and friends. Hope everyone else that is experiencing the stress and anxiety of finals gets through it easier than me, and just try and focus on the wonderful break that will start in a few short weeks.

Bye for now <3

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